Thursday, May 27, 2010

Project 2 Update

I haven't posted in forever so here is an update of various things 3D

For the building projection project 2, I'm looking into a program called VVVV It's windows only but it looks like it was important in most of the 3d building projection videos you see on you tube. It uses 'nodal' programing like Max or PD or Isadora and it can deal with 3D meshes effects/texturing/whatever in real time

This page describes the process of creating building projections.

It's getting a little late to take on any new technology so I'll have to see if this software is friendly enough to use before I commit to it for my project. In any case, the first step appears to be creating a 3D model of the surface being projected on. So I corrected my cell phone pic (pillow/pincusion distortion and source angle) of Villard to be more accurate and I am now starting to create that in blender. Feel free to use this, I have no idea if it's any better /worse than the official pic but I wanted to try it.

So now it's off to Blender to create the 3D version of this. Unless anyone has already done this? Anyone? Anyone? I'd be willing to trade collaborate something programming or engineerings wise? Yes, I'm lazy, I wish I had the attention span for extremely detailed modeling, I envy people who do. Instead, I get distracted trying to figure out other ways to do stuff like this like.........

Check out this way of automatically created 3D structure from real objects

extremely cool interactive point cloud thing

how to:

master site: bit terse itself but links everywhere else

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Transform Sequence take 2

This isn't hopefully not my final project One but it's my emergency backup in case my tech problems keep persisting. But, this is in pretty pretty HD so be sure to see it full screen.

Xform from Clay Kent on Vimeo.

My original idea used match moving and mixing in real video quite a bit which technology wise isn't working out so great yet. I've tried Icarus on mac and PC, voodoo on PC, every setting imaginable and soooooooooooo much time but both those programs eventually just crash with no results when there's anything longer than 10 seconds. I'm going to reshoot my video this weekend with no camera movements and without match moving so at least I can turn something in that resembles my original idea. Perhaps use fake camera shaking in after effects or something to simulate it. Anyways, enjoy the work in progress...